Meet Lisa


About Me

I could have written this in the third person, but let’s get real… everyone knows we write our own bios. So hello, I’m Lisa.

I’m an ICF certified coach and a narrative coach practitioner. I also have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Masters Certificate in Organizational Development and Change, and over 20 years in senior roles in adult training, children’s education and community and social services. I have worked with clients in Canada, U.S. and the U.K, on both the life and leadership sides.

(In other words, I didn’t jump on the coaching bandwagon yesterday!)

My methodology draws from a range of psychology-grounded coaching frameworks, philosophies and techniques. I bring the latest thinking and research integrating evidence-based practice from neuroscience, narrative coaching, attachment theory, positive intelligence, human development and change.

Outside of my passion for coaching, I spend time with my husband, two dogs -- Juno and Aussie, family and friends. Raised in Nova Scotia, I take the East Coast with me through my love of the outdoors, sailing, traveling, music and dance.

Nothing like a good kitchen party… because life without fun and humour isn’t much of a life at all!

My Approach

Building on my own life experiences, and my training, I’ve come to understand the behavioural patterns that we take with us into adulthood are as the result of the strategies we developed as children. Often, the patterns that do not serve us as adults can be traced back to a lack of safety and security, either from neglect, abuse, or more subtle forms of unmet needs. Even if we had loving parents or didn’t have a difficult childhood, life still presented us with many challenges where we learned to cope or protect ourselves. We are all affected by this one way or another.

These patterns become the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, reinforced through the neuro-pathways in our brains over a lifetime. Long-held patterns may hold us back and create internal reactions and external outcomes that don’t serve us.

But it doesn’t have to be complicated! Yes, change and growth can be challenging. Yes, sometimes the choices you have to make are hard, but I know I can help you make them.

Unlike therapy, the coaching journey is less about excavating the past, and more about achieving positive shifts in both behaviour and results simply from a genuine exploration of what is, and what’s possible, in a safe, trusted environment.



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